The Next Great 4x400m Rivalry

Fort Bend Marshall Head Coach Lloyd Banks' toughest workout: "Broken 600s"

600m broken down into 200 meters
Set 1: 200m in 28 seconds, Rest 30 seconds, 200m in 28 seconds, Rest 30 seconds, 200m in 28 seconds, Rest 30 seconds
Set 2:
200m in 29 seconds, Rest 30 seconds, 200m in 29 seconds, Rest 30 seconds, 200m in 29 seconds, Rest 30 seconds
Set 3:
200m in 30 seconds, Rest 30 seconds, 200m in 30 seconds, Rest 30 seconds, 200m in 30 seconds, Rest 30 seconds

"I was like, 'ok, that's kind of mean but they pushed through it. It's like one of the workouts we do earlier, January, February, it was kinda mean but they finished it though. I knew it was a mean one. I remember saying to myself, 'they didn't whine,' they were like, 'oh my god this is tough,' though."