Meet Information
Date: Saturday, March 21, 2015
Levels: Boys Varsity Girls Varsity
Boys Frosh/Soph Girls Frosh / Soph
Start Time: 8:30 AM
Facility: The Thorson Stadium and Ashton Family Track at Oaks Christian School
Registration: All Entries will be submitted online beginning
Entries: 4x100 / 4x400 = TWO relays per school per event
February 9, 7:00 am and ending March 18, 2:00 pm
Laned Events and Field Events = 5 varsity entries per event, 3 FS entries per event
Distance Events and DMR = unlimited
Pole Vault = unlimited
Pole Vault: Elevated runway in the center of the infield for varsity athletes
Cost: $10 per individual event, $20 per relay (Minimum per school $50.00)
$350 maximum fee per school
Early Commitment ($300 if contract is signed / submitted before Jan 15, 2012)
Checks Payable to Oaks Christian Track & Field
31749 La Tienda Dr. Westlake Village, CA 91362
If you are interested contact:
Wesley W. Smith Fred Largent
Office (818) 575-241 Cell (818) 802-5328
Email E-mail
Levels: Boys Varsity Girls Varsity
Boys Frosh/Soph Girls Frosh / Soph
Start Time: 8:30 AM
Facility: The Thorson Stadium and Ashton Family Track at Oaks Christian School
Registration: All Entries will be submitted online beginning
Entries: 4x100 / 4x400 = TWO relays per school per event
February 9, 7:00 am and ending March 18, 2:00 pm
Laned Events and Field Events = 5 varsity entries per event, 3 FS entries per event
Distance Events and DMR = unlimited
Pole Vault = unlimited
Pole Vault: Elevated runway in the center of the infield for varsity athletes
Cost: $10 per individual event, $20 per relay (Minimum per school $50.00)
$350 maximum fee per school
Early Commitment ($300 if contract is signed / submitted before Jan 15, 2012)
Checks Payable to Oaks Christian Track & Field
31749 La Tienda Dr. Westlake Village, CA 91362
If you are interested contact:
Wesley W. Smith Fred Largent
Office (818) 575-241 Cell (818) 802-5328
Email E-mail